Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc.
Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc.
Company Information
Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc. (MIB) has been providing inspection services to the insurance industry for over 80 years. MIB offers quality, time sensitive information to insurance companies. This information is developed through independent contractors performing on-site inspections and underwriting surveys for residential, commercial/operations and agricultural properties. MIB assess conditions found as well as identify hazards that may lead to claims activity, injury, or loss of life. We also gather data to assist the insurance companies in establishing replacement cost values for buildings and dwellings. Owned and governed by a large group of insurance companies, MIB is a unique organization. We enjoy a close relationship with our member companies, and we are actively involved in PAMIC, VAMIC, NCAMIC, Sparks Club and the SC Insurance News Service |
Company History
In the early 1940’s, the Pennsylvania Mutual Inspection Bureau also began offering replacement cost services to assist agents and their clients to establish appropriate replacement cost values of their buildings.
In 1950, the Mutual Inspection Bureau was formed to offer inspection services in Florida, Georgia and other southern states. In January 1958, in the interest of greater efficiency, new by-laws were drawn up, and these two Bureaus were merged into a single unit, the Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc.
In January 1979, the Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc. expanded and took over the Eastern Federation. At that time, MIB’s servicing territory was PA, NJ, MD, DE, and DC.
In 1990, the Mutual Inspection Bureau, Inc. moved into its present building located at 2217 Forest Hills Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112.
Recognizing the need for change in the handling of large volume inspection requests and reports, in 2006, MIB stepped into the computer age with the development of its own web based system, Excel-A-Rater. This enhancement has significantly increased the speed and efficiency of the inspection process.
Over the years, MIB’s Valuation Department has earned an excellent reputation for the provision of detailed replacement cost analyses prepared by certified professionals. Updated revisions of replacement cost value are also offered.
Since its humble beginnings in 1929, MIB has undergone many changes. The current service territory is PA, MD, VA, NJ, NC, SC, DC and DE. The member base has grown from its original seven to over 40 member companies plus their subsidiaries. Non-member companies, insurance agencies and their clients also utilize MIB’s services. We remain a non-profit organization focused on quality and integrity.